Baby Brown - Weekly Updates!

30 Week Update: Not too much new to report! My OBGyn says I am progressing very well and he'll see me again in two weeks time on April 2nd. : ) I have noticed alot more movement lately which has been really fun to experience...even the ones that cause me to sit up straight since his feet (I think) are really pushing into me!!

32 Week Update: I had my regular 32 week appointment this morning (April 2nd) and found out that my blood pressure is up. I didn't ask for exact numbers, partially because I don't want to worry myself sick at this point, but I have to go back next week instead of two weeks from now to have another check. I don't know yet if this will be a new weekly thing, so I'll find out more next week once we figure out if this is an ongoing thing.On a good note, I am happy to report that Baby B seems to have found the head down position which is good news...lets hope he stays that way!! ; )

33 Week Update: I went for my first follow-up today after it was discovered that my blood pressure was up...and it is again this I'll be going for weekly appointments from here on in. Tomorrow I have been scheduled for a Bio-Physical ultrasound which will check Baby Brown for proper growth. Since high blood pressure can sometimes reduce the speed of growth and would mean a possible low birth weight, they want to be extra careful and double check his progress to date. We'll know more tomorrow and will post an update then.

Ultrasound Update: We went in for our Bio-Physical Ultrasound this morning and were told that everything looks good! Phew! It was so nice to hear that, since usually they are told to say nothing!? Our little guy was moving around as usual and we confirmed (for Tim's sake) that yes, he is a HE! We even got a money shot to take home as proof! ; ) We got to take a peak at all his little parts; his feet and hands, spine, face and even his bum! It was really neat to have a chance to see him again before he finally arrives! Speaking of arriving, we were told, based on this recent ultrasound, that our EDD is now May 20th. The ultrasound tech said usually the very first ultrasound is the best to use as an estimate, which would be May 22nd, so we'll see when our little man decides it's time! We were also given his weight...5.5 lbs!!

Approx. 34 Week Update: I say "approximately" since my latest ultrasound would show I am further along, but who knows exactly what the date is anymore!? Today I had my regular check-up with my OBGyn. He says my blood pressure is still high, but since it is holding at the same level of high and not increasing, he feels things will be okay and we're still doing well! I still need to see him every week though, not that I mind! He didn't have any results from the Bio-Physical Ultrasound from last week, so he didn't like that too much, but he said he'd get them asap and we will review them next week. Things are moving along well overall! : )

35 (or so) Week Update: Another visit to my OBGyn showed elevated blood pressure again today. He says it seems to be holding around the same high level and the baby is still showing a strong heart rate, however he doesn't want to hang on alot longer at this rate...hmm...not 100% sure what that means, and when I asked what he meant he said he was concerned about movement towards pre-e, so I am wondering if this means bed rest, meds or an even an induction at some point? He wants me in next week to discuss further depending on how things look at that time. Other then that, everything else was okay. He had all the results from the Bio-Physical Ultrasound and said everything looked good! He also said I do have some swelling in my feet and hands, but it isn't terrible at this point. More to come next week!

36ish Week Update: My blood pressure is still elevated and is "slowly creeping up", so my OBGyn might want to start seeing me twice a week next week - we'll probably decide that at our next appointment. I asked specifically what the high blood pressure would mean for us and/or what could be done to help and he said there is nothing that can be done for it and he would like to see us get a little further along before he makes any choices. The good news is that he says Baby Brown's heart rate is still very strong and he seems to be very happy in there regardless! : ) Until next week...

37ish Week Update: So what does it mean when you're told "I'll let you go another week"!? HUH!? Tim thinks this means next week is the week for an induction because of my blood pressure, but I have a feeling it will be more towards my OBGyn saying come in twice a week instead of the usual one! Guess in my thinking I don't want to get too excited about the thought of our little guy arriving next week when we aren't 100% sure on what was meant by the comment!? I could have asked I know, but parts of me think, why spoil all the excitment and guessing!? ; )

38ish Week Update: Today was another appointment showing high blood pressure, although no higher then last week (which is good), and Baby B seems to be happy in there regardless! : ) We'll update again after our next...maybe it will be our final appointment! We shall see what next week brings!?

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